Contradictions of Accumulation in Africa. Studies in Economy and State

Bernstein and Campbell challenge the idea that capitalist African nations behave differently from progressive or socialist ones. The debate about the processes of accumulation and the formation of class and state is brought to a concrete level by the authors. They clarify the fundamental theoretical and methodological conditions necessary for coherent and effective analysis of the contradictory African situation. Seven case studies of African nations illustrate areas of convergence and divergence between radical and conventional analyses of African

Campbell, Bonnie et Henry Bernstein, (dir.). 1985. Contradictions of Accumulation in Africa. Studies in Economy and State. California : Sage Inc., 312 p.


Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche
en développement international et société (CIRDIS)

Université du Québec à Montréal
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, bureau A-3335
Montréal (Québec) H2L 2C5 Canada

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