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Faith and Charity : Religion and humanitarian assistance in West Africa

Puce noire Jeudi 6 avril 2017, de 18h à 20h, local DS-1950, Pavillon DeSève (UQAM) , Louis Audet-Gosselin, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en développement international et société (CIRDIS), Marie Nathalie LeBlanc


Leblanc, Marie-Nathalie and Audet Gosselin, Louis (2016). Faith and Charity : Religion and humanitarian assistance in West Africa, Plutopress, 2016, 224p.

Since the 1990s, most African economies and public spheres have been liberalised, and new civil society actors have emerged. As mapped out by Marie Nathalie LeBlanc and Louis Audet Gosselin, in West Africa Christian and Muslim organisations have come to dominate the field of humanitarian assistance.

Moving beyond mainstream development theory, Faith and Charity brings out the crucial role of religion in the development process and the interplay of moral and political ideologies. From faith-based NGOs to individual local activists, the authors explore how each group makes sense of, and contributes to, the wider process of social development in the neoliberal era.

Based on extensive research and deploying a sophisticated and original frame of analysis, Faith and Charity will make an important contribution to the existing literature on development anthropology and the anthropology of religion in Africa.

DATE : Jeudi 06 Avril 2017 de 18h00 à 20h00
LIEU : DS-1950, Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève, 320, rue Sainte-Catherine Est


  • Marie-Nathalie LEBLANC, Anthropologue et professeure au Département de sociologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)


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